Sparviero grigio perla o no??

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00martedì 1 dicembre 2009 23:01
Secondo voi di che colore è questa olandesina?
io sono quasi certo che sia una sparviero gririo perla, forse un po troppo chiara,sul piumaggio le barrature si vedono a malapena, si notano pero sulla rachide, soprattutto su quelle della coda!!
00mercoledì 2 dicembre 2009 10:48
Ciao Marco,
yes this is a grigioperla. The grigioperla is a dilution of Black. In genetic this should be (when no other genes are "disturbed" by other color crosses in the past, can be genarations ago) E/E lav/lav.

sì questo è un grigioperla. Il grigioperla è una diluizione del nero. In genetico questo dovrebbe essere (quando nessun altro gene “è disturbato„ da altri incroci di colore nel passato, può essere i genarations fa) E/E/lav/lav

You can see in the neck and on the head little horizontal black stripes, this are the reseve of black pigment to keep the coloration of the grigioperla not become to light colored.

Potete vedere nel collo e sulle cape piccole bande nere orizzontali, questo è il reseve del pigmento nero per tenere la colorazione del grigioperla non diventato a di colore chiaro.
00mercoledì 2 dicembre 2009 16:41
I thought she was a lavender cuckoo!
00mercoledì 2 dicembre 2009 16:46
Than she should have also the with lavender diluted cuckoo pattern all over the body, no?
For me it is the black pigment reserve you can see only in her neck and head
00mercoledì 2 dicembre 2009 17:36
Ok, thank you danny!!

I'm a little disappointed, i really hope she was a lavender cuckoo :(
00mercoledì 2 dicembre 2009 18:57
it is simple to be sure about or to become it.
Cross here with a cuckoo cock that possible is related to her: this can result in lavender cuckoo because than the cock provide the "B" gene and if he also have the "lav" gene, if not than cross back a son of her with her and you will become a % lavender cuckoo.
00mercoledì 2 dicembre 2009 20:45
I don't have any cuckoo rooster unfortunately :(
and it's not so easy to find them here in italy!!

Thank you anyway ;)
00mercoledì 2 dicembre 2009 21:05
you must come to Holland in Zuidlaren 7-8-9 january
00mercoledì 2 dicembre 2009 21:45
It would be awesome, but it's too distant :(

Danny i found this 2 picture on the web

a lavender bantam hen

and a lavender cuckoo bantam hen

i think that mine looks more like the second one, a lavender cuckoo!!
what do you think?

unfortunately i didt find any pic of dutch in lavender cuckoo :(
00mercoledì 2 dicembre 2009 21:56
ok i found them!

lavender cuckoo dutch's/470/parelgrijskoekoek%20hen470.jpg

and lavender dutch's/470/parelgrijs%20hen470.jpg
00giovedì 3 dicembre 2009 07:33
What you think your hen is now cuckoo lavender or lavender?
00giovedì 3 dicembre 2009 09:54
I think she looks more like a lavender cuckoo, am i wrong??
at least i hope so ahah :D
00giovedì 3 dicembre 2009 10:25
It is difficult to say just on a photo.
The best way to know it is breed with her.
She have possible 4 (modificated) genes in here.

-On the E-locus : E/E (if she is pure for this or E/? if she is unpure for this but it is a dominant gene producing the same phenotype whether its allele is identical or dissimilar)
-On the lav-locus : lav/lav (here she IS pure otherwise you NOT could see lavender = recessive genes producing its characteristic phenotype only when its alleles are identical)
-On the B-locus : B/- (here she is always pure because (cuckoo) B = Barred is a sex-linked gene and here a hen have only one allele of the other is a "-"
-On the S-locus : S/- (here she is also pure because (Silver/gold) S=Silver/s+=gold is a sex-linked gene here a hen have only one allele of the other is a "-"
00giovedì 3 dicembre 2009 11:24
Thank you danny :D

I'll try to breed her with a partridge (and i should have cuckoo male and black female) or with a blue partridge (blue cuckoo and cuckoo male, blue and black female)!
00giovedì 3 dicembre 2009 13:23
Yes exact, and they all will be split for lavender (Lav+/lav)
If the hen have the barred gene (B/-) and if she have no other hidden gene mutations!
If the (Blue) Partridge cock have no other hidden gene mutations!
00mercoledì 9 dicembre 2009 00:28
anche secono me è grigio perla!!
00mercoledì 9 dicembre 2009 08:22
Yes, it is difficult to say. When you see the neck you "could" say GP CC. But when you look the bodyfeathers there is as good as no "B/-" pattern to see!!! Point is there are GP CC with very les "Barred" pattern and there are GP with much black-pigment reserve in the neck.
So, difficult to say with only the photo.
Marco? you know something about her parents, what colour they where?
00mercoledì 9 dicembre 2009 11:13
Nu, unfortunately i don't know anything about her parents, i just know that she came from belgium.

Anyway, now she's sick, i'm treating her, hoping she'll be fine :(
00mercoledì 9 dicembre 2009 15:42
I hope with you Marco.
00giovedì 14 gennaio 2010 01:11
Anche secondo me sono grigio perla.
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