00 13/11/2011 11:05
canepazzo84, 13-11-2011 10:14:

Interesting photo for non-believers in "eb" melanizers

scusa ho tradotto ma non capito cosa intendevi..

-Wingtrinagle = duckwing have subjects that have as ground-color eWh, eb and e+.
-No wingtriangle = crowwing have subjects that have as ground-color E or ER.

If he was a black he was E/E and had NO wingtrinagle.
Same if he was a Blue he was E/E Bl/bl+ and had NO wingtriangle.
So he must be a perniciata eb/eb these HAVE a wingtriangle.

Now a "normal" perniciata look completely different BUT when there are enough black-pigment intensifiers than you can turn a perniciata into a "almost" completely black chicken (except for that wingtriangle).

Some people not believe (= non-believers) this theory until they can see it (= when it is not visible it not excist) but with your photo it is proven. (some believed the world was flat until it was proven it was round !!)

There are other examples for "black-perniciata" :

[Modificato da Danny_57 13/11/2011 11:12]