00 08/08/2012 09:26
monica.25, 8-8-2012 8:49:

ER/ER S/S B/B e ER/ER S/S B/b+
sono entrambi omozigoti
B/B B/b+ entrambe autosessabili dalla nascita?(pulcini chiari)

Both are homozygous ER/ER an S/S

the one with B/b+ is heterozygous (single doses) for Barring (tonalità scura same as female chicks who are B/- is called hemizygous (also single doses) so these chicks are darker and not autosessabili)

the one with B/B is homozygous (double doses) for Barring (tonalità chiara for the chicks also, so autosessabili because the chicks are lighter colored than the heterozygous (B/b+) males and the hemizygous (B/-) females)

(corrected a writing error)
[Modificato da Danny_57 08/08/2012 09:28]