COCINCINA..passione per le razze avicole

Altsteirer (in italiano Pollo di Altastiria)

  • Messaggi
  • Drachenreiter
    00 06/06/2008 11:00
    Hello everybody here in the Italian Forum.
    I am from Bavaria, between Munich and Regesburg and read (or translate a few interessting things from here.

    But now I hope that somebody can help me.
    Are there any types of the Alsteirer Breeds existing in Italy?

    I have a few pictures for you:

    Altsteirer in white

    in wildbrown

    both colours together

    or some other colours lake sparrowed

    Thanks a lot for your help if someone knews about this kind of breed in Italy.

    from Bavaria

    Post: 871
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    00 06/06/2008 14:18
    Ciao Dragolista (Drachenreiter)

    If you are Looking for a particulary poultry read our "mappa regionale"

    (the code is "numbers and letters" wrote at the left of the little window)

    It isn't complete but Rachele e MauryMarche are working up it.

    Ciao [SM=g7346]
  • Rachele1
    00 06/06/2008 14:31
    Hi Drachenreiter, I'm very happy to have you here, it's always a pleasure to exchange new breeding in Italy I think it's a rare breed, you will get more useful information from our italian judge Fabrizio (fabri43)

    Fabri tu sai se l'Altsteirer è allevata da qualcuno qua?

    Post: 2.825
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    00 06/06/2008 15:38
    una curiosità: la razza di cui si stà parlando sarebbe quella che il nostro standard riporta con il nome di "vecchia stria"??
    le colorazioni della vecchia stria sono appunto la bianca e la selvatica come quelle delle foto..
  • Drachenreiter
    00 06/06/2008 15:58

    I try to do my best with a translating programm:

    Ciao, ringraziamenti mólto. Avete immagini reali del della corsa "old Stria"

    This are my fist young chicks this year:

    White and blue ore sparrow

    White, white with red and something special and a blue cockerel

    This is one of my favourite young hens she is the beauty queen


    I also have to old drawings from a book of Armin Arbeiter, but i don´t knew if it is allowed to show it here. The pictures are from 1914 and one from 1894 where there are a few differences in the colours.

  • fabri43
    00 06/06/2008 16:00
    Ciao Drachenreiter!
    I haven't seen in Italy the breed Altsteirer (Vecchia Stiria) from many many years.
    It is a great pleasure for all of us to know that you visit often our forum. I am at your disposal for all I can do for you from here.
    I visit every year the german National Show and I hope to see you there sometimes.
    Congratulations for your Altsteiers.
    All the best!

  • Drachenreiter
    00 07/06/2008 09:27
    Ciao Babri,

    it is a pitty that this nice breed wasn´t anymore in the northern area of italy. Because it is a very good kind of breed for this area, to search for forage, and so on...

    I think you don´t see me on such a big show like the National in Ger. because if i take a few white and wildbrown to a breed show, I will only go to one ore two local shows in my nearest home region. All the others is tu much stress for my chickens.

    But if you are going on your trip throug Bavaria you can visit me.

  • fabri43
    00 07/06/2008 09:47
    Ciao Drachenreiter,
    yes it is a pity I like them.
    If I will come in Bavaria I promise to visit you.
  • fabri43
    00 07/06/2008 09:49
    This is my email:, please give me yours.
    Andrea Mangoni
    Post: 2.068
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    00 07/06/2008 10:28
    Ciao Drachenreiter,

    Welcome to our forum!
    Well, in Italy we had in the Veneto region a breed, now become extint, veri similar to the
    Altsteirer but also with buttercup comb. she was the cappellona breed.

    in a recent trip in Toscana region I've found this breed:

    it's really similar to the Altsteirer, but the eggs are white - I think the eggs of Altsteirer are light brown.


    PS Could you give me some indication on the history and origin of the beautiful Altsteirer breed?
    contatto skype: andrea.mangoni
    Post: 2.173
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    00 07/06/2008 13:14
    Hi Drachenreiter, welcome in our website, Fabri,Andrea and others say all about this topic, i just would like to thank you to enjoy this forum.

    all the best

    Post: 931
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    00 07/06/2008 13:43
    scusate c'e qualche italiano x caso??!!:-(
    Igor.Germano reale
    Post: 3.409
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    00 07/06/2008 14:39
    fabio80x, 07/06/2008 13.43:

    scusate c'e qualche italiano x caso??!!:-(

    Ciao a tutti, (io scrivo in italiano perchè in inglese....)
    Complimenti Drachenreiter e Complimenti per i tuoi polli, sono davvero molto simaptici e tenuti molto bene!
    Ciao ciao
    Igor [SM=g7350] [SM=g7350]

  • Drachenreiter
    00 07/06/2008 23:18

    the eggcolour is white to whiteivory
    the eggs shoud have min. 55 gr. or more
    the eggs are about 150 -180 each year

  • Drachenreiter
    00 08/06/2008 11:16
    History of the Altsteirer
    And something about the history.

    The roots of this breed are in the old chickens of the Sainted Roman Empire wich ended in 18.. and was a kind of the geran land chicken.

    A rest of this populations was in the Steiermark (Now Austria and Slowenia) at the end of the Sainted Roman Empire. From this chickens there was a way to the lighter wildbrown type in the upper Steiermark (Austria) and to the a little bit heavier white type in the down Steiermark (Slowenia).

    First notices was found about this type of breed in the 14 century.
    Than in 1846 Professore Hlubek wrote in a newspaper about the egglayin in a year for round 100-160 per year and hatching natural at 12-15 egg a hen that 10 chickens ar coming.
    From 1894 i have a copy of a old standart description with a picture.
    From 1914 i have a reprint of a book from Armin Arbeiter "Handbuch der Nutzgeflügelzucht für Österreich und die Donauländer"

    In this book there are more colour drawings, also one from the Palerova wich are well known in the Steiermark.

    Post: 202
    Registrato il: 01/12/2007
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    00 08/06/2008 23:32
    Io e la Vecchia Stiria!
    Ebbene ragazzi ora vi racconterò brevemente l'appassionata storia che ,ai tempi andati,intavolai con la Vecchia Stiria.Cinque anni or sono,ebbi ad innamorarmi perdutamente di questa meravigliosa gallinotta,di cui mi colpì anzitutto il vezzoso ciuffetto che le impreziosisce la graziosa testa(senza per altro renderla vulnerabile alla corizza in quanto è portato molto alto!),e d'altro canto,fui allettato dalla sua elevata attitudine alla deposizione,dal suo carattere rustico e frugale e non ultimo,dalla colorazione "selvatica".Convinto più che mai ad averla,riuscii a contattare un disponibile allevatore austriaco che gentilmente mi inviò una ventina di uova.A parte le traversie della spedizione,le uova alla fine arrivarono tutte intatte ed ebbero anche discreta fertilità.Ne tirai sù sei galline ed un gallo;purtroppo avvenne che quest'ultimo rimase ucciso in un combattimento(svoltosi a mia insaputa!),o per meglio dire, morì dissanguato poichè aveva avuto una profonda lacerazione della cresta.In breve le spose erano rimaste vedove,ed ovviamente non avevo avuto il tempo di farle riprodurre!Frattanto conobbi il Fabrizio nazional-popolare che praticamente "mi impose" [SM=g7346] (seppur in maniera velatamente indiretta!)l'allevamento di una razza italiana e così ho abbandonato la Vecchia Stiria di cui però,a tutt'oggi, mi sono rimaste tre galline.Posso dire che la femmina ha una forma del corpo molto morbida e una testa davvero accattivante;devo confessare che mi piace meno la testa del gallo,in particolare la cresta,spinta in avanti dal ciuffo,è piuttosto piccola e proprio non regge il confronto con la cresta della Livorno,Valdarno o Braekel,tanto per fare qualche esempio.In compenso però il maschio ha un bel colore e bella coda con falciformi molto ben arcuate.Posso riferire(almeno sulla base dei miei pochissimi animali,)che questa razza ha una certa predisposizione alla cova e che produce anche buona carne.Ma quello che colpisce è che sono delle gran bricconcelle disobbedienti ed assai libertine!Tenterò di postarvi qualche foto!
    [Modificato da franco_79 08/06/2008 23:55]
    Post: 202
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    00 08/06/2008 23:37
    ciao Drachenreiter,five years agò,a kind and helpful Austrian breeder sent me some hatching eggs of Vecchia Stiria and at the end I succeeded in breeding one rooster and six hens.Unfortunately the cock was killed in a fight with another cock,so I was unable to continue the breeding of this race.Actually I have just three Vecchia Stiria hens,but in the meantime I decided to prefer an Italian breed.Congratulations for your nice poultry flock!
    [Modificato da franco_79 08/06/2008 23:54]
    Post: 202
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    00 08/06/2008 23:57
    una delle mie galline Vecchia Stiria
    Post: 202
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    00 09/06/2008 00:00
    altra mia gallina Vecchia Stiria
  • Drachenreiter
    00 09/06/2008 08:21
    Hi Franco,

    if you need eggs let it knew me, it`s poossible to sent you about 10-20 from the wildbrown type this week.

    If you need a rooster this or next year maybe there can be organised something, but eggs are no problem. It is nice that the Styrian type is not away in Italy. Do knew from wich person you have the eggs at that time. I think there is also another people in Italy wich have that type. If you want I can sent you the adress.

    Post: 202
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    00 10/06/2008 02:27
    Ciao Drachenreiter thank you very much for yuor big availability to send me eggs;but for now I have concentrated my attention on our national race:Livorno.So unfortunately I haven't space to keep others chickens.If you want I can send you the Austrian breeder's e-mail address, but in private on your e-mail.
  • Drachenreiter
    00 16/06/2008 00:07
    Hi everybody,

    this happens each morning when about 60 young chickens went out.

    because every brody wants to get the best place in the garden.

    Igor.Germano reale
    Post: 3.409
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    00 16/06/2008 09:39
    Hi Drachenreiter, is a lot of fun this invasion of chicks ....
    Congratulations are really many.
    Ciao ciao
    Andrea Mangoni
    Post: 2.068
    Registrato il: 13/07/2007
    Città: VENEZIA
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    00 16/06/2008 19:25
    Hi Drachenreiter,

    fantastic swarm of chicken, and many thanks for you informations on this beautiful breed. I'm writing an hystorical research about a very old italian crested breed, the Polverara, also know in past ad Paduan. I would ask to you something about your old books, could you help me? My email:
    many thanks!
    [Modificato da Andrea Mangoni 16/06/2008 19:28]
    contatto skype: andrea.mangoni
  • Drachenreiter
    00 16/06/2008 22:28
    Hi Andrea,

    the email is not working.

    I can make a photo of the sites from the book of Armin Arbeiter with a picture an the text.

    If you want i can ask the man who have the book from 1894 if the Polverara are inside too.


    Please give me a email adress where I`m able to send the photos.
    Andrea Mangoni
    Post: 2.068
    Registrato il: 13/07/2007
    Città: VENEZIA
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    00 17/06/2008 14:25
    Hi Drachenreiter,

    many thanks for your help! It's strange that the emailadress don't work. please, try again at this adress:
    or at tihis adress:
    please, don't ask only for the polverara, but also for the padouan, 'cause in past they was frequently considered the same.

    many many thans again!
    contatto skype: andrea.mangoni
  • Drachenreiter
    00 18/10/2008 13:13

    after a long time (I was a little bit busy) i want to show you, what happens to my small Altsteirer chickens.

    3 Cockerels became very nicw, and the first hen is starting laying eggs.

    Cockerel in blue

    in barred

    in white

    from Bayern
    Igor.Germano reale
    Post: 3.409
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    00 20/10/2008 19:08
    Hi, it is a very nice group.
    They are very funny whit that little tuft.
    I like very much the barred cockerel, very good.
    Ciao ciao
  • Drachenreiter
    00 02/11/2008 22:58
    Da gestern so herrliches Wetter war, ca. 20 Grad plus habe ich auch die Altsteirer noch abgelichtet.

    this are a few pictures from yesterday afternoon in the garden, the Weather was so nice, 20 degrees as in summer but not usual for the November.

    Regards from Bavaria
    Andrea Mangoni
    Post: 2.068
    Registrato il: 13/07/2007
    Città: VENEZIA
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    00 03/11/2008 15:44
    Hi Drachenreiter,

    your specimens are alwais amazing! Also I, I just love the cuckoo rooster.
    contatto skype: andrea.mangoni