00 15/11/2008 11:46
Ehm diciamo che tradurre l'italiano in tedesco è abbastanza difficile..so un po' di tedesco anzi molto poco!Preferisco tradurre in inglese

The eggs height that Wontolla wrote (I think he saw it on a website) about the breed, in Italy can't be take as a reference and I think it's not a modernized bibliographical data. Suggesting a metod to increase the eggs height I can say to hatch eggs from hens of 2 years old and to use fowls born only at the begginning of the year (january-february).
Following this metod it's possible to get fowls heavier and to
increase the attitude at laying heavy eggs.It's important a continuous fowls exchange
taking cocks of 1 years old and hens of 2-3 years old, never crossing in consanguinity.(every year looking for a new roosteer not of the same blood line)
the time to get heavy eggs is long (at least 5 years using the metod I wrote over)
[Modificato da Rachele1 15/11/2008 11:50]