00 07/01/2009 13:26
an unwanted trouble maker!?
Autosomal red: Ar+ that enhances the gold and give troubles on the S/s+ and S/S cocks.
Not much is investigated and written about the action of autosomal red (Ar+).

That it excist and that it give onwanted leftovers of red in Silver birds is a much encountered difficulty!!

The presence of Ar+ in silver birds causes a rusty or brassy appearance in supposed white/silver parts of the birds.
It appears on shoulders, wing triangle, hackle and saddle of cocks and causes a rusty/brassy sheen on silver hens most on wingbow and the saddle region.

Especially in crosses from gold x silver, for generations Ar+ can spoil the crisp white appearance of silver birds.

The only remedy is selection.

Autosomal red in silver birds with gold encestors in the past, which also had Mh causes for many generations a brassy silver.

Mh also enhances Ar+ which is also a red pigment just as gold (s+) is.
[Modificato da Danny_57 10/01/2009 16:08]