00 19/11/2010 21:10
emanuele-70, 19-11-2010 20:52:

ciao danny interessante ho dato una guardata veloce alle cuckoo ora devo tradurre piano piano gli ultimi galli li definisci dark cuckoo silver cuckoo a me sono nati tutti e due cosa potri fare per scurire il gruppo?mischiare il silver con femmine nere oppure il black ?
un saluto emanuele

Sparviero have groundcolor E/E (Black) so the best is cross with Black to bring in more pigmentation in the Sparviero.
Silver Partridge have groundcolor eb/eb so is of an other (groundcolor) family than the Sparviero. But is possible because out of the cross will come E/eb and "E" is Dominant over "eb" so the phenotype will be black but when the "B" gene is involved it will overtake the "Black"-phenotype and let see a Barred chicken.

[Modificato da Danny_57 19/11/2010 21:13]