00 28/08/2011 09:49
it are not the sex-linked color-genes that determine the differences of the phenotypes it are the E-locus genes.

The sex-linked color-genes are genes as the other color-genes with the only difference they are located on the sex-chromosome of which a female have only 1 allel, the other is a "-"

If you want a difinition for a sex-linked gene : of a sex-linked gene, the cock have 2 alleles, the hen have 1 allele and a "-" (this not intend alone the sex-linked COLOR-gene !!!)

Rachele1, 28-8-2011 9:39:

si danny, penso di aver scritto la stessa cosa, cioè che che 4 colorazioni (per la verità una è mutazione) solo legate al sesso

and chocolate

are colours sex linked (one is a mutation)
I think to wrote the same think

about definition
I said I tought that male and female had different colour (gold, silver has different colour male and female, barred has a different intensity, male and female..but it's not so for chocolate where male and female have the same feathers)..so I don't find a definition

genetically a person can think a male progeny follow the mother color, and a female progeny follow the father colour but in some case is not so.

so I'm not able to finding a definition word for sex linked colours

[Modificato da Danny_57 28/08/2011 10:02]