00 04/10/2011 11:24
About crossing grigioperla with grigioperla Sparviero.
A pure (uni-color) grigioperla should be E/E lav/lav (shows NO red-pigment)
A pure (design) grigioperla Sparviero should be E/E lav/lav B/B or B/b+ (males) or B/- (females), (also here NO red-pigment is showed).
As you can see both have the same ground-color "E/E" so here no problem for doing a cross because the ground-color will stay "pure" (E/E).
Both have the diluting gene lavender (which is recessive) "pure" (lav/lav) so here also no problem to cross them all descendants will show grigioperla.
The only difference is on the B-locus (which is Dominant and Sex-linked).
Just make the mathematical calculation and you will see the result.
The example that was given male grigioperla E/E lav/lav X a female grigioperla Sparviero E/E lav/lav B/- will result in all males grigioperla Sparviero E/E lav/lav B/b+ and all females grigioperla E/E lav/lav b+/-

[Modificato da Danny_57 04/10/2011 11:26]