00 05/08/2011 09:14
cliveclive, 5-8-2011 1:55:

Matteo, potresti per favore dirmi se quello che si vede nella foto della gallina che hai postato è il colore reale oppure se la foto risulta sbiadita o troppo luminosa?
Ti spiego: io vedo il soggetto con un colore di fondo fulvo sbiadito (quasi pastello) ed una mantellina e una coda che mi sembrano non bianchi e nemmeno blu o neri, ma grigioperla. Quindi, se il colore non fosse bianco o nero o blu, ma grigioperla, secondo me potrebbe tranquillamente essere un fulvo columbia grigioperla, nel quale il gene Lavender ha diluito sia il fulvo che il nero.
Per Danny: a me risulta che la colorazione pyle non abbia il gene CO, ma il gene co, tant'è che nel red pyle la coda è bianca e non nera (o comunque colorata) come nel columbia... Questa gallina mostra una restrizione del colore (in questo caso grigioperla o bianco, a seconda di quanto confermerà Matmol) tipica del Columbia..
Può anche essere che gli inglesi chiamino Lemon pyle un colore che per noi è definito in un altro modo... Però a me non convince, fermo restando che si tratta di una colorazione davvero molto bella.
Per avere conferma di quello che ipotizzo, potresti accoppiare questa femmina con un maschio fulvo columbia nero: dovrebbero nascere tutti soggetti fulvo columbia nero, ovviamente portatori del gene Lavender.

Ciao Carlo,
exact, the coloration "pyle" not have need for the gene "Co" , it need only "e+" or "eb" even eWh" for the groundcolor, it must be based on "s+" and it need "I".

But here we saw something different and also the name was different "lemon pyle" . Yes I know that name "lemon pyle" is only a hobbyname and it can be defined in all languages in a different way, was why I tried to give the genetic formula, that is international uniformed.

What can we see here on the photo ? We see for first a partitioning of the colours (if we call the white also a colour which it is not) as it is partitioned by the "Columbia" (all black pigment has been dissipated to the endings as neck, tail, feets, wings) but this black is transformed to "white", the rest of the body is a kind of diluted red.

We know that there is a diluting gene concerned,
-"Bl" dilute only black-pigment and we need "Bl/Bl" to can dilute to some kind of white which is also called "dirty white" but this leave always some traces of black spots is why I think not of "Bl".
-"lav" dilute both pigments black and red when it is in "pure" (because of recessive) form "lav/lav", when black-pigment is diluted with "lav/lav" it become gray pearl and that is not what I can see in the neck, tail nor feets.
-"Di" and "ig" dilute both red-pigment, but since was in the name "lemon pyle" I would say diluted by "ig".

Because we can't see any black (neck, tail, feet, wings) on the hen but we see "white", in these typical for Columbia partionating, and because this coloration becamed the name "lemon pyle",
I go for the only left possibility "I"

These constatation brought me to the following concernated color-genes:
- ground color : e+ or eb even eWh
- based on : s+
- partitioning : Co
- red diluting : ig
- black overtaking : I
This is only my idea, nothing more nothing less.

I surched even a little more deeper and I forgot one other color-gene, namely "Db" which is needed to make the necks this kind of "white" (it not work with "Co" alone).

This "lemon pyle" can also be named :
- cocks :"White* patterned lemon/cream columbian clearnecked"
- hens : "White* patterned lemon/cream (incomplete**) columbian clearnecked"

**This last word (incomplete) for the hens explain Matmol words : "maschio il cui colore era davvero di un giallo molto acceso, quasi limone infatti", this because of the functioning of the male hormone testosterone on the coloration.

*When is not "I" that causes the "white" necks and tails and it should be "Bl/Bl" than replace the word White by Splash, when it should be "lav/lav" than replace the word White by lavender, when there is not "Dominant White" nor "Splash" nor "lavender" than the word to fill in instead of White is Black.

BUT when one of these 3 options is used we not speak anymore of "pyle" because NO "pyle" without Dominant White and that was the title of this post "lemon pyle", as they call it in Inghilterra !!

[Modificato da Danny_57 05/08/2011 11:27]