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Italian colour names

  • Messaggi
  • Danny_57
    00 27/12/2008 10:55
    Italian colournames + genotypes
    Can you people agree with these names for the different chicken colours?

    The most colours are originaly based on gold (s+) so mostley the word gold is not mentioned in the common names, when based on the mutation Silver (S) than mostley the word Silver is mentioned in the common names. Exceptions are possible.

    e+/e+ s+/s+ (s+/-) = selvatica
    e+/e+ S/S (S/-) = selvatica argento

    eb/eb s+/s+ (s+/-) = perniciata
    eb/eb S/S (S/-) = perniciata argento

    eb/eb s+/s+ (s+/-) Pg/Pg = perniciata maglie nere
    eb/eb S/S (S/-) Pg/Pg = perniciata argento maglie nere

    eb/eb s+/s+ (s+/-) Pg/Pg Bl/bl+ = perniciata maglie blu
    eb/eb S/S (S/-) Pg/Pg Bl/bl+ = perniciata argento maglie blu

    eb/eb s+/s+ (s+/-) Pg/Pg Co/Co Ml/Ml = oro orlata nero
    eb/eb S/S (S/-) Pg/Pg Co/Co Ml/Ml = argento orlata nero

    eb/eb s+/s+ (s+/-) Pg/Pg Co/Co Ml/Ml Bl/bl+ = oro orlata blu
    eb/eb S/S (S/-) Pg/Pg Co/Co Ml/Ml Bl/bl+ = argento orlata blu

    eb/eb s+/s+ (s+/-) Pg/Pg Co/Co Ml/Ml Bl/Bl = oro orlata bianco
    eb/eb S/S (S/-) Pg/Pg Co/Co Ml/Ml Bl/Bl = argento orlata bianco

    E/E bl+/bl+ = nera
    E/E Bl/bl+ = blu
    E/E Bl/Bl = splash

    ER/ER s+/s+ (s+/-) = Petto Arancio
    ER/ER S/S (S/-) = betulla

    ER/ER s+/s+ (s+/-) = Blu petto arancio
    ER/ER S/S (S/-) Bl/bl+ = blu betulla

    eWh/eWh s+/s+ (s+/-) = dorata frumento
    eWh/eWh S/S (S/-) = argentata frumento

    c/c = bianca recessivo

    Co/Co s+/s+ (s+/-) = fulva columbia nero

    Co/Co S/S (S/-) = bianca columbia nero

    Co/Co mo/mo = millefiori

    S/S (S/-) = argentata

    E/E I/i+ = platenbont Bianca Pezzata nero

    E/E Lav/Lav = grigio perla

    E/E B/B (B/-) = sparviero (cucula)

    eWh/eWh Co/Co Di/Di Mh/mh = fulva

    eb/eb Co/Co Mh/mh = rossa
    [Modificato da Danny_57 29/12/2008 23:32]
  • Rachele1
    00 27/12/2008 13:38
    non posso esprimermi per molte
    Come nome si dice prima betulla e poi oro quindi betulla oro.Comuque la serie delle betulle fatele vedere a fabri perchè ci sono stati degli aggiornamenti che ha fatto il CTS sulla denominazione.Le ultime 2 betulla ad esempio potrebbero essere petto arancio e blu petto arancio oppure la betulla oro tradotta con collo oro e quella rgento con collo argento porta le ultime 2 a tradurre con blu collo oro e blu collo argento..non lo so bisogna sentire gli esperti delle sigle ma mi ricordo che queste betulle avevano traduzioni diverse

    la platenbunt stando a fabri forse sarà chiamata bianco pezzata nero
    la columbia si dice bianca columbia nero e fulva columbia nero per distinguerla da quelle a fondo blu.
    [Modificato da Rachele1 27/12/2008 13:49]
  • Rachele1
    00 27/12/2008 13:46
    No argento frumento ma argentata frumento
  • Danny_57
    00 27/12/2008 14:11
    Grazie Rachele.
    When others have correction, please let me know.
  • Rachele1
    00 27/12/2008 16:07
    yes now are ok..but about betulla wait the answer of experten because I think thta even if in italian colours exist the name betulla it should be translated with "collo oro" and collo argento (neck gold, neck silver)
    1 collo oro
    2 collo argento
    3 blu collo oro
    4 blu collo argento

    please tell me a breed that have this colours so I look at translation in the italian paper of recognized colours
  • Danny_57
    00 27/12/2008 17:10
    On this site you can see about al races and colours.
    But also here there is no consensus in the different names!!!
    The colour "betulla" (birchen) excist for example in Brahma. Also the "blubetulla" and others based on gold.
    [Modificato da Danny_57 27/12/2008 17:11]
    Post: 2.825
    Registrato il: 12/10/2007
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    00 28/12/2008 11:19
    nelle colorazioni dello standard italiano è rimasta la colorazione BETULLA (x spiegarmi quei soggetti con la mantellina argentata) e PETTO ARANCIO (quelli con la mantellina oro).
    Come mi spiegava Fabri, si è deciso di non chiamarla più betulla oro perchè il termine betulla indica la colorazione dell'albero di betulla che è bianco.
  • Rachele1
    00 28/12/2008 11:26
    ah ecco mi ricordavo qualcosa vagamente sugli aggiornamenti della betulla.. ma allora come si mette cioè betulla, betulla blu e per le oro, petto arancio e blu petto arancio?
    Post: 2.825
    Registrato il: 12/10/2007
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    00 28/12/2008 11:40
    c'è poi la BETULLA BLU dove a differenza della BETULLA il colore di fondo invece che essere nero è blu.
    La BETULLA ORO BLU credo che, come è stata cambiata la denominazione x la BETULLA ORO, oggi in Italia venga chiamata BLU PETTO ARANCIO
    Post: 2.825
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    Utente Veteran
    00 28/12/2008 11:42
    si esattamente come dici tu Rachele
  • bantam.
    00 28/12/2008 11:49
    Re: Italian colournames + genotypes
    Danny_57, 27/12/2008 10:55:

    Can you people agree with these names for the different chicken colours?

    Co/Co mo/mo = millefiori

    C'est un bon début, mais il faut tenir compte du locus E !!

    Par exemple Mille fleur doré à dessin noir peut se retrouver sur une base e^b/e^b mais aussi E^Wh/E^Wh !!!

    Ce n'est pas le meme chose ...surtout si ensuite on envisage de créer d'autres variétés !!

  • Danny_57
    00 28/12/2008 11:51
    Not mix up this 2 colour variations: Silver (gold) necked (what you indicate with collo argento (oro) and the Birchen(s) what you indicate as Betulla argento (oro)!!
    The difference between the Silver (gold) neched and the Birchen is that the "necked" cocks have no pattern on the breast as the "Birchen" have.
    Here in Belgium they agreeded that the word "Silver" is not used in the Birchen,
    so Silver Birchen is writen as "Birchen"
    the gold Birchen is writen as "gold Birchen"
    the blue Silver Birchen is writen as "blue Birchen"
    the blue gold birchen is writen as "blue gold Birchen".
  • Rachele1
    00 28/12/2008 11:58
    yes danny, it was only my translation is not with collo oro or collo argento.
    in italy they want use betulla only for silver feather and not for gold feather..with gold feather we speak of "petto arancio" (orange breast)
    so translation should be
    betulla blu
    petto arancio
    blu petto arancio
    [Modificato da Rachele1 28/12/2008 12:00]
    Post: 2.825
    Registrato il: 12/10/2007
    Città: LOANO
    Età: 50
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    Utente Veteran
    00 28/12/2008 12:02
    ovviamente si, le colorazioni "betulla" non hanno nulla a che vedere con le colorazioni collo oro, collo argento, blu collo oro.Quindi anche geneticamente diverse tra loro e non incrociabili.
  • bantam.
    00 28/12/2008 12:05
    Oui je suis d'accord avec toi Danny mais il est impossible d'établir un génotype pour un phénotype car vous pouvez avoir plusieurs génotypes différents pour le meme phénotype !!!

    Le seul moyen est de déterminer ou plutot de montrer la couleur du duvet des poussins !!!

    Un exemple flagrant pour les coqs est celui du doré saumonné à dessin noir, perdrix doré à dessin noir et froment doré à dessin noir !!! les coqs adultes sont identiques mais n'ont pas le meme génotype, il est possible de le savoir quand ils sont poussins !!

    Des exemples comme celui il en éxiste des centaines !!! avec en plus des intermédiaires incomplets !!!
  • Danny_57
    00 28/12/2008 13:11
    Yes exact simcep they are two different colourations that is sure.

    Yes exact bantam the phenotypes can be the same with different genotyopes.
    And as I remember well Sigrid, the autor of the Holland genetic-book, was occupied with the collecting of photo's of "one day chicks" to determine the genotype of the bird.
    I try to contact her again an ask what became of this initiative.
    [Modificato da Danny_57 28/12/2008 14:04]
  • bantam.
    00 28/12/2008 13:58
    Danny_57, 28/12/2008 13:11:

    I try to contact her again an ask what became of this initiative.

    It's the progress !!! [SM=g7372]

  • Danny_57
    00 28/12/2008 16:59
    PITTY, Sigrid got so many bad respons of certain "high" posted agencies she stopped her initiative.
    Maybe we can build our selve such a cartella with the different chicks colourvariantions. This could be very helpfull in the determination of the real genotypes.
  • bantam.
    00 28/12/2008 17:24

    Yes Danny,

    It's the work of a lifetime devoted to chicks in all breeds and varieties !!!.... ah if only I had the money! I surrender everything to work!

  • Danny_57
    00 28/12/2008 17:32
    When all forum membres cooperate with there pure chicks we can come a long way.
    We must have trust in eachother and help eachother.
  • bantam.
    00 28/12/2008 17:38
    Yes Danny (i think like you), but do you know a lot of sérious persons who are able to understand and make a good work ???

  • Danny_57
    00 28/12/2008 18:20
    We must start somewhere. Also Sigrid told me she want to cooperate in specialclub initiatives. I think also Henk have already a lot brought together (also his intention is to spread the knowledge to be able to breed more seriously). And I am sure also in France and Italy are devoteés who want to cooperate in this. All this should than be superviced by a "serious" person. Maybe you are interested?
  • bantam.
    00 28/12/2008 18:52
    Yes Danny!!

    You can propose a project with specific goals, I am ready to put my forum also available and take action to develop the web about!

    But you should know that unfortunately the world poultry production is a more or less closed and that many clubs race and those who want the direct control over their actions!

    I am not seeking glory, chickens since I ve ever seen (for me it is above all a pleasure!) But I too believe that a new public interest and address the issue of how to provide educational the desire to raise children, to focus on colors and develop the creative side!

    I really do not know how I can help but of course it interests me knowing that my personal life is complicated right now and I need to deal with!

    For me there are two points that must be developed:

    1 Determine the genotype to phenotype chicks from 1 day (we already know a lot about this)

    2 Establish a particular color scale for united because there are many nuances in particular for the pearl gray, tan, red, blue, ect ... in order to understand and measure the dilution of shares of certain genes on other !
  • bantam.
    00 28/12/2008 19:26
    If you want I suggest that Rachele which is also on my forum administers and why not create a European club races focused color than farming?

    I propose this because I think we have a reputation to gain momentum for interesting work and colors!

    I do not have that reputation because I always high in the shadow of exhibitions, clubs ect ... but I'm passionate!

    Rachele is known and has such a reputation!!

    In France I do not find a match lasting confidence to really move!

    It is a proposal for Rachel and breeder Italian, French or another to move forward in a serious manner!

    Thank you to keep me informed!
  • Danny_57
    00 28/12/2008 19:55
    In my opinion this is a good an serious proposal.
    It is much for one person. Rachele indeed diserve much respect but also she need help in this. Maybe interested people can come forword so that we can see who can do what. Than the administrators can select and post.
  • bantam.
    00 28/12/2008 21:16
    Danny_57, 28/12/2008 19:55:

    In my opinion this is a good an serious proposal.
    It is much for one person. Rachele indeed diserve much respect but also she need help in this. Maybe interested people can come forword so that we can see who can do what. Than the administrators can select and post.

    Yes Danny,

    It would be interesting in my idea of having more directors on the same forum (1 per European country) to foster the exchange of knowledge, experiences, but also animals at all European countries!

    Administer a forum is not difficult but takes a long time and avoid repetition maximum information so that everyone can find it!

    Moreover animation genre contest photos ect ... can also be put in place!

    But also perhaps difficult to promote the presentation of animals in the European exhibitions!

    All ideas are welcome!

  • Danny_57
    00 28/12/2008 22:42
    Bantam I agree completely with you.
    We must see it in a European way and not stay under our own churchtower.
  • bantam.
    00 29/12/2008 10:36
    Yes Danny,

    Where do you come from ?
  • Danny_57
    00 29/12/2008 10:47
    Ciao Bantam,

    I am from Belgium Oost-Vlaanderen near to Geraardsbergen.
    We started a Italian project to try to bring in new colours in the Silkies. (Blacksilver and Blusilver).
    We have some other projects in the freezer.
    I did a first project with a Belgium breeder for the Whitesilver (white/black Columbia) in imitation and support of a respected Holland breeder, we did a presentation on the International exhibition in oktober 2008 in Bruges. In this project we got some difficulties now, so it is moved backwords for a few years.
    Where you come from??
    [Modificato da Danny_57 29/12/2008 12:16]
  • bantam.
    00 29/12/2008 11:45
    Ok Danny,

    You can if you want to be the representative (admin) Belgian (I can also translate English!)

    I want you to succeed your creativity Silki!

    I am French (Breton!) But today I am in Ariège (Midi Pyrénées)